11 June 2018 | Your Stories
Strange tale that comes from the Midlands, England. A gentleman is making his way home when he sees a figure holding a candle walking towards him…
My father used to work nights and he once told me a very creepy story that he adamantly said was “the gospel truth.” He was driving home from work one morning while it was still dark outside. He had a thirty-minute journey and happened to be on a dark country road in the middle of nowhere. The road led to a larger road that would lead him directly home. As he belted down this road he saw a figure holding what he said was a candle walking towards him. He said he couldn’t make out any features, but he could clearly see this “candle” and an outline of a figure walking towards his moving car. He slowed down and watched as the figure kept moving. He stopped his car and pulled to the side of the road to let the figure go past and it disappeared. The light just blinked out. He had travelled that road many times but had never seen anything before. This would have been in the early 70’s.
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