Doppelganger? Ghost? Seeing Things?

03 August 2018 | Your Stories

Doppelganger, ghost or her imagination? This lady tells of seeing a dead relative on her way out to do her weekly grocery shop. What do you make of this?

This happened to me several years ago after the death of my aunt. I was heading out with my boyfriend to do our weekly shop. We tended to go on Saturday mornings at 8am before the majority of shoppers were out of bed. As we headed towards the store we hit a red light and had to wait.

About my aunt. We had never been particularly close. I remember her mainly from Christmas parties and family events. She had died of cancer several years before this incident took place.

As we waited at the red light I was looking around. A car pulled up to our right to wait at the red light. I looked over and it was my aunt in the driving seat. She didn’t look at me, but I knew it was her. The light changed. We drove off.

Now I understand that this could have been a doppelganger, or my imagination, but I know that was her. She was in the driving seat of the car that pulled up at that red light.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

Rachael Hanjowski


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