25 April 2019 | Haunted locations, Your Stories, Your True Encounters
Another place I haven’t been to, but I would love to go is no other than haunted Madagascar. Haunted? Oh yes, probably one of the most haunted places in the world. My uncle Jose “Joe” Causing, a former Merchant Marine has been to Madagascar, it was a two day stopover. What Uncle Joe says about Madagascar: “Madagascar is a very beautiful place. The flora is breathtaking. The island is one of the largest islands in the world, it covers 226,917 square miles. There is all kinds of animal life, there are lemurs, chameleons, weevils and the Malagasy giant rat. When I came across this rat, I thought it was a kangaroo. It’s not a scary looking sewer rat, it’s actually kind of cute. Now, back to your original question. Is Madagascar haunted? During the 33 year rule of Queen Ranavalona, she slaughtered a bunch of Christians, political rivals and some neighboring kingdoms. She was a cruel tyrant. She poisoned many of her rivals or had her rivals thrown into a large ravine where they would die a slow death. An estimated 2.5 million people died during her 33 year reign, so if you are asking me if Madagascar is haunted, I would have to say “yes”. Did I see anything paranormal during my stay there? I did not witness anything out of the ordinary.”
After receiving this information from my uncle, I had to do some researching on my own. What I love about social media is that you can make contacts with anyone anywhere around the world. I have 3 Facebook profiles, 2 of them are practically maxed out with 5000 friends and the other one is up to 1,500 friends. With these many friends, you can obtain a large amount of information quickly. One of my Facebook friends, I will simply call by his first name “Tony” says that when he went on vacation with his mother to Madagascar, they stayed at the Relais des Plateaux hotel. On one particular night, his mother woke up in a cold sweat and screaming at the top of her lungs. Tony asked his mother what was wrong and she claimed that she saw a pirate looking man walk through the wall of her hotel room brandishing a large knife. This pirate had solid black eyes, a pirate type of hat (red in color), raggedy clothes and a mangled beard. This pirate acted like he was going to kill my mother. When my mother screamed the pirate vanished. My mother woke me up from her screaming. When I woke up a chair in the room toppled over violently, but I did not see the pirate. Special Note: When looking into Tony’s story, I discovered that there was indeed pirates in Madagascar. The pirate that got the most attention in Madagascar was the 17th century pirate Captain James Misson. The pirate that was the most famous on this island was no other than Captain Kidd. ENTITY IDENTIFIED: RELAIS DES PLATEAUX PIRATE
A Portugal ghost hunting group called F.O. (Fantasma Observador) stated that when investigating the haunts of Madagascar, they came upon 3 men who were naked and writhing on the ground. When they saw these 3 men, they thought they were real men. They noticed that the men were holding their stomachs and there was moaning noises coming out of one of the men’s mouths. They were shocked when the 3 men vanished before their eyes. What F.O. witnessed were ghosts of 3 men dying. What could they have been dying from? F.O. says they were most likely dying of poison. ENTITIES IDENTIFIED: THE 3 POISONED MEN.
During Queen Ranavalona’s reign (1828–61), she would subject her rivals with the Tangena Ordeal. The Tangena Ordeal began in the 1600s. The queen loved the use of the Tangena Ordeal and became a prolific user of this method of torture and murder. What occurs is that they will extract the poison from the nut of the Tangena shrub and give it to Ranavalona’s rivals. The poison will disrupt the channels to your heart and most of the times will stop the heart. Ranavalona believed if the victim died, they were guilty, if they survived they were telling the truth. With so many people dying from the Tangena Ordeal, death resonated on this large island. Death was everywhere and if there is death everywhere, there are hauntings everywhere. It’s the natural order of things.
From Wikipedia: “Upon its emergence in the early 17th century, the highland kingdom of Imerina was initially a minor power relative to the larger coastal kingdoms and grew even weaker in the early 18th century when King Andriamasinavalona divided it among his four sons. Following almost a century of warring and famine, Imerina was reunited in 1793 by King Andrianampoinimerina (1787–1810). From his initial capital Ambohimanga,and later from the Rova of Antananarivo, this Merina king rapidly expanded his rule over neighboring principalities. His ambition to bring the entire island under his control was largely achieved by his son and successor, King Radama I (1810–28), who was recognized by the British government as King of Madagascar. Radama concluded a treaty in 1817 with the British governor of Mauritius to abolish the lucrative slave trade in return for British military and financial assistance. Artisan missionary envoys from the London Missionary Society began arriving in 1818 and included such key figures as James Cameron, David Jones and David Griffiths, who established schools, transcribed the Malagasy language using the Roman alphabet, translated the Bible, and introduced a variety of new technologies to the island.”
Special Note: F.O. (Fantasma Observador) also said that during their week investigation at Madagascar, they observed 12 men chained to each other, walking in a straight line along the beach. As they watched these men, they faded away into nothingness. F.O. believes they witnessed slaves being marched out to a waiting slave ship. Two of the F.O. investigators said they thought they saw an old ship in the ocean, but it was there for only a short time. The two investigators feel they saw a ghost slave ship. No evidence was collected to validate their claim. ENTITIES IDENTIFIED: MADAGASCAR GHOST SLAVES
From Wikipedia: “Radama’s successor, Queen Ranavalona I (1828–61), responded to increasing political and cultural encroachment on the part of Britain and France by issuing a royal edict prohibiting the practice of Christianity in Madagascar and pressuring most foreigners to leave the territory. She made heavy use of the traditional practice of fanompoana (forced labor as tax payment) to complete public works projects and develop a standing army of between 20,000 and 30,000 Merina soldiers, whom she deployed to pacify outlying regions of the island and further expand the Kingdom of Merina to encompass most of Madagascar. Residents of Madagascar could accuse one another of various crimes, including theft, Christianity and especially witchcraft, for which the ordeal of tangena was routinely obligatory. Between 1828 and 1861, the tangena ordeal caused about 3,000 deaths annually. In 1838, it was estimated that as many as 100,000 people in Imerina died as a result of the tangena ordeal, constituting roughly 20 percent of the population. The combination of regular warfare, disease, difficult forced labor and harsh measures of justice resulted in a high mortality rate among soldiers and civilians alike during her 33-year reign. Among those who continued to reside in Imerina were Jean Laborde, an entrepreneur who developed munitions and other industries on behalf of the monarchy, and Joseph-François Lambert, a French adventurer and slave trader, with whom then-Prince Radama II signed a controversial trade agreement termed the Lambert Charter. Succeeding his mother, Radama II (1861–63) attempted to relax the queen’s stringent policies, but was overthrown two years later by Prime Minister Rainivoninahitriniony (1852–1865) and an alliance of Andriana (noble) and Hova (commoner) courtiers, who sought to end the absolute power of the monarch.”
Special Note: Madagascar may now be in happier times, almost like the Disney movie with tourists enjoying the beauty of Madagascar, but Madagascar has a dark past. A past in which many people died for their beliefs and actions. With so much death on this island, the energy will be there for eternity. Most of this energy is residual with events replaying itself in the atmosphere. It will replay over and over again. This negative energy imprinted itself at Madagascar forever. I believe F.O. observed residual haunting effects throughout the island. I know the history of this island will be with the inhabitants forever and over time, the people may heal from their dark evil past. Let’s just hope so.
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detective
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help
Email: [email protected]
Sacramento Paranormal Haunted Hotline: 916 203 7503
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