The Spirit of My Mother Visited Me

15 July 2019 | July 2017, Your Stories

A few years ago while watching television, a sudden bright, amber flash, similar at first to a huge strike of a match, appeared to my left, which eventually morphed into a figure, then unmistakably, my Moms face. I watched in amazement as the light dissipated and then, I realized my Moms spirit disappeared and now I noticed an outline under my bedding blankets and suddenly her voice saying, “I’m cold”, which in life she expressed regularly. I proceeded to get another blanket and covered her. She didn’t say anything else, but she didn’t need to since I talked nonstop while noticing the blankets moving up and down to the sound of her breathing! This scenario actually lasted throughout the night into the next morning.

There is much more that occurred after I returned from the store, yes, I did need to go out and when I returned, while seated to remove my shoes, in my mirrors reflection, I now saw my Mom again with my two late sisters, that both had passed over 10 years ago. What a night and experience and after our encounter, I must say, I felt wonderful for their visit! I hope they return again. I still wonder though, what the ” breathing” is all about?

Melissa Wilson, Idaho


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