Your True Encounters

Ghostly Radio

15 August 2017 | Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Dead people can apparently also use radio to communicate with the living. A couple that was moving into a new home after their wedding started to hear music playing quite loudly in the house, but couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. They began to search through the boxes of belongings that were piled up all around looking to see what the source could be. Eventually, they came across an old transistor radio that had once belonged to the wife’s grandfather. It was playing wartime band music very loudly. There was just one problem. The radio was not connected to any power, contained no batteries and had been broken and unusable for years. She only kept it as an ornament and memento of her long dead grandfather. It seemed

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Premonition of a Family Members Death

11 August 2017 | Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Ever since I was a kid I’ve had weird things happen to me, my grandfather passed away in 1992 and I was born a year later, my grandma had used an ouijja board to communicate with him and he said he would come back to the earth through me, like a reincarnation or something. When I turned 13 I would get these weird dreams, not regularly but once in a blue moon, I would see an ambulance in my dream, and then someone from my neighborhood would pass away. I felt guilty but people were like “it’s not your fault you’re not killing them you know. Maybe you have a strong sixth sense or something.” Sometimes I’ve seen things pass from the corner of the eye around me whether it

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The Scottish Poltergeist

09 August 2017 | Ghosts in the news, Poltergeist, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Another poltergeist occurrence that was widely discussed in the press was really very bizarre. It took place in the Rutherglen, Scotland, home of Mrs. Shreenan who lived there with her son and, from a media perspective anyway, began with an amazing tale of a flying Chihuahua dog. The police were called to disturbances at the home where they found clothes flying across a room and the family’s pet dog sitting on top of a large hedge. The police were to say the least troubled by what they found and called in a Priest. Police attending the incident were described as having 20-year’s experience, but not knowing quite what to do under the circumstances. Lights were going off and on, the lampshades on the lights were upside down and the oven

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The Haunted Room

08 August 2017 | Your True Encounters

The bedroom I ended up sleeping in was notorious in our family before I was even born. Several members of our family complained about headaches, nightmares and visitations when they slept in that room. I had few experiences in there over my ten-year tenure. I shared the room with my sister and she complained often of things happened but only one incident stands out to me. One night, I was awoken by moaning. It sounded like a moan of anger and despair. It sounded like our house helper was having a nightmare. But what got to me was that her moaning voice was much deeper than her actual voice, and the intensity of her despair was too hard to ignore. I decided to wake her up as her sound creeped

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The Scratching….. Weird Darkness

07 August 2017 | My Haunted Life Toosdays, Your True Encounters

    Featured in this episode from… “The Spirit Of My Mother Visited Me” Submitted by Melissa Wilson, Idaho… “The Ghost Child: A True Paranormal Experience” Submitted by Nancy Viletto, Ohio… “Kanashibari” Written by Daichi Tsushima. Taken from the book Kanashibari: True Encounters With the Paranormal In Japan by Thomas Bauerle – now available on Kindle and paperback.… Original artwork by Matthew Meyer, “The Old Hag – Story 1” Submitted by Peelzgrabber… “Creepy Happenings Near My Sickbed” Submitted by Con Deacon, Ontario… “The Knocking, Slamming Mist That Haunts My House” Submitted by Jane Gill, Connecticut… “Who Was That Girl?” Written by Yurika Matsuoka. Taken from the book Kanashibari: True Encounters With the Paranormal In Japan by Thomas Bauerle – now available on Kindle

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The Ghostly Child Who Haunts My House

02 August 2017 | August 2017, Creepy places, Ghost Hunting, Your Stories

The first incident took place several years ago while I was still a child. I was in my bed, in the middle of the night, facing the right side of the wall. I turned around to where the entrance of my bedroom is and in the corner of the room was a full body apparition of a young girl, she had black curly hair, and was wearing a white dress. She was standing near the door, I was frozen and I was fully awake, but it scared me. I quickly hid under my covers and peeked out again to see that she was gone. She was. Nothing else happened until recently, I have been hearing whispers, footsteps, and banging at night while everyone is asleep. Nobody else has heard anything.

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The Basement Terror: A True Tale of the Paranormal

31 July 2017 | July 2017, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

This took place several years ago when I lived at home with my parents and sister and our cousin. We were downstairs in the basement playing cards and talking then out of nowhere everybody had gotten quiet and I did not know why. A second later I heard a little girl voice say “look” or “look back there” in my ear, and then my older sister said she saw a black shadow go past my shoulder. So, I look in the back of the basement, mind you no one is back there and the lights are off in the back, and then I hear a nail of some sort get dragged across one of the workbenches we have in the back. And then we all heard a noise on the

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The Ghost Child: A True Paranormal Experience

26 July 2017 | Creepy places, July 2017, Your Stories

This experience happened to me several years ago at our old house. It was during the day and I was home alone standing in the kitchen. I felt like someone was watching me from across the living room. I turned around and saw a young boy standing there staring straight ahead at me. I could clearly see the top half of him however cannot remember if I saw anything below the waist. The moment I screamed he disappeared. I wasn’t scared just startled. I thought the boy was wearing older looking clothes. I googled the fashion from the 1800s to early 1900s for children and it looks very similar with a collared shirt and those particular hats. The boy was probably aged from 5-6 years old. I wish I could

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21 July 2017 | Old hag, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

The members of my family have been annoyed by sleep paralyses. My sister often gets a kanashibari. Once she saw a black shadow of a person in her room. It was at midnight. My mother has had this problem for a long time. Once when she was paralyzed, she saw a pair of hands reaching out to grab her neck. Another time, she saw a fireball flying around her room. After a while, it vanished. When I was a first year student in high school, I was paralyzed for the first time. At that time, I was tired from many changes going on around me, so I thought I was just fatigued and it was a nightmare. But it has happened many times. Once, I saw a little girl wearing

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The Old Hag

20 July 2017 | Old hag, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

It’s certainly a weird and frightening experience. I’ve had it several times when I was younger, once in a strong of month-long episodes where it got to the point that I was scared to sleep, knowing what awaited me. Most of the experiences I could hear things, feel things. For example, I heard something almost demonic laughing at me, and felt the pressure of something on my body, and holding me down. I’ll also add that I felt something grab my tongue as I tried to call out for my parents, and something like a claw against my throat. I can remember this all vividly, it was no dream for sure and lasted several minutes. At other times I remember seeing a creature – green, giant eyes, glowing almost in

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Creepy Happenings Near My Sick Bed

19 July 2017 | Your Stories, Your True Encounters

I’ve been ill lately so I’ve been spending quite a bit of time in my bed. The way my room is laid out, I can see everything from my bed; the closet door is to the left of my TV, the door to my bedroom on the right, and the only window is to the left of my bed. I have always been interested in the paranormal, and since I haven’t had much to do, recently, I was watching some paranormal shows on TV as I laid on my bed. I had my door closed, but did not lock it, because my cat cries outside the door until I open it if he didn’t come into the room with me, and since he has a very loud voice, I try

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The Knocking, Slamming Mist That Haunts My House

18 July 2017 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Last year we moved to Connecticut into a fairly new house. Nobody mentioned anything about any previous history attached to the house. We were both looking forward to living in the area and thought we had find a good place to raise our family. For the first few weeks nothing happened. We redecorated the house, made some repairs and we were finally settling in. Then doors started to slam. Sometimes upstairs, sometimes downstairs. Sometimes just the basement door. Sometimes multiple doors would slam at the same time. My husband thought it must have been a breeze of some kind but couldn’t locate it. Still this didn’t bother me too much. It was just one of those strange things. Then the tapping sounded. We would get five or six seconds of

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Who Was That Girl?

17 July 2017 | Haunted houses, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

This is a story that my brother experienced. One day, my brother was walking around the house looking for me. “Yurika, where are you?” he called out. He opened the door of the Japanese style room where we keep the butsudan (Buddhist altar to the family ancestors), and he found a girl sitting in front of the altar. He thought the girl was I. “What do you want?” He heard my voice coming from behind him. He quickly turned around to find me standing there. “What?” he said. Weren’t you just sitting over there? ”He turned towards the altar again, but there was no one there. We ran in a hurry to find our mom. “Mom! Mom! My brother explained his experience to my mother. Then she told us something

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I’m Home! The Ghost of my Living Mother.

14 July 2017 | Audible Activity, Living Ghosts, Your Stories, Your True Encounters

Having only recently issued a new Kindle short called Ghosts of the Living, I am always on the look out for a certain kind of experience story these days that fits into this category. I just found this one on Reddit. What do you think? This happened YEARS ago. ~10ish years. I was probably 11 or 12, and my sister was a year younger. We were in elementary school, and would take the bus home and let ourselves in. My mom would show up 10 minutes later when she get out of work. And we would know she had gotten home because every day she would open the door and say “I’m hooome!”. She did this every single day. One week though, there were 3 days that she needed to

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The Old Hag

13 July 2017 | Your True Encounters

I took a nap mid day once. Slight lucid dream nothing spectacular. Woke up to sounds of people talking outside my bay window and moving my porch furniture. I tried to get up to stop them but realized I was in sleep paralysis. Talked myself through it blinking frequently. The sounds go away but a shadow starts growing in the corner of my living room. Just keep telling myself its sleep paralysis but the shadow turns into this very tall black shadow of a witch with black tattered robes hanging off her and long claws. She walks up to me and gets her face close to mine and vanishes and I can move again. It really bothered me. I don’t scare easily but she was the embodiment of things that

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